Toronto Maple Leafs Proving They Are Stanley Cup Contenders

TORONTO, ONTARIO - OCTOBER 9: Auston Matthews #34 of the Toronto Maple Leafs celebrates his game winning overtime goal against the Chicago Blackhawks with teammates William Nylander and Jake Gardiner October 9, 2017 at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Photo by Kevin Sousa/NHLI via Getty Images)
TORONTO, ONTARIO - OCTOBER 9: Auston Matthews #34 of the Toronto Maple Leafs celebrates his game winning overtime goal against the Chicago Blackhawks with teammates William Nylander and Jake Gardiner October 9, 2017 at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (Photo by Kevin Sousa/NHLI via Getty Images) /

It might be early in the season, but the Toronto Maple Leafs are proving to be worth every ounce of hype they’ve gotten.

The Toronto Maple Leafs took a big step forward in legitimizing themselves as Stanley Cup contenders after a comeback victory against the Chicago Blackhawks. They improved their record to 3-0 on the season in dramatic fashion after falling behind early to them. less than eight minutes into the contest, Chicago was up 2-0 and it appeared like the team that scored 10 goals against the Pittsburgh Penguins, was about to hand Toronto its first loss of the year.

Less than eight minutes into the game, Chicago was up 2-0 and it appeared like the team that scored 10 goals against the Pittsburgh Penguins was about to hand Toronto its first loss of the year.

With less than 13 minutes left in the third period, former Maple Leafs forward Richard Panik scored to make it 3-1 for the Blackhawks in what felt like the game-clinching goal. However, Panik’s goal seemed to ignite them, as Toronto completely took over the remainder of the game.

Connor Brown and James van Riemsdyk scored less than three minutes apart to tie the contest and force overtime. Once the overtime period began, the Maple Leafs skated circles around the Blackhawks as the veteran-filled team had no answer for the speed of the young Maple Leafs. Auston Matthews would eventually score the game-winning goal to complete the Toronto comeback.

The Maple Leafs showed a new side of their team they had yet to show. It would have been easy to pack it in and move on to the next game after Panik’s goal in the third period. In past years, that’s exactly what would have happened. It’s also what many would expect to happen given the young Maple Leafs and the championship experience of the Blackhawks.

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Chicago is exactly what Toronto hopes to become one day. A franchise always considered a threat to win the Stanley Cup and a roster filled with players with multiple championships under their belt. Nobody would have second guessed an early-season loss by the sophomore-filled Maple Leafs against the franchise that has turned itself into a dynasty.

Storming back to victory in this fashion showcases the Leafs can never be counted out of any contest. The team’s offense proved they are capable of striking at any point and against any caliber of opponent. Even when the game may appear lost.

It was one thing for Toronto to win high-scoring games to open the season against a bad Winnipeg Jets team or a declining New York Rangers team. However, it’s another thing entirely when the Maple Leafs are capable of scoring three goals in less than 10 minutes of game action to defeat a dynasty franchise.

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Many have labeled the Maple Leafs a potential future dynasty. That conversation is still far off into the future as Toronto needs to win a Stanley Cup first. However, one thing that isn’t far off into the future is the Maple Leafs establishing themselves as legitimate Stanley Cup contenders.