Johnny Gaudreau – Spiderman
Spiderman is one of Marvel’s most popular superheroes. Personally, Peter Parker (Spiderman’s alter ego) is extremely relatable, which makes him popular, especially among teenagers. If you saw Johnny Gaudreau walking down the street and you had no idea who he was, you’d probably guess he was a teenager.
With the mandatory “Gaudreau is a teenager” joke out of the way, let’s get down to business. Spiderman is one of the best fighters in the Marvel Universe. But he’s not like Thor or The Hulk, who rely on a hammer or pounding everything in sight respectively. Rather, Spiderman relies on his quick reflexes and agility.
Gaudreau’s most prominant skills revolve around his agility and how efficently he dodges contact. He’s small, so he can’t win most puck battles by brute strength. But thanks to his quick mind and small frame, Gaudreau can sneak in and grab the puck before opponents know what hit them.
Johnny Hockey isn’t the strongest guy. Nor is he the most powerful. Much like Spiderman, Gaudreau doesn’t need brute force to win battles. If Spiderman played hockey, he’d treat it like a game of tag, deftly avoiding contact while making everyone who tries to hit him look silly. That’s precisely how Gaudreau plays.