2. There will be a target on their back
The target on the back of the Vegas Golden Knights will be big in 2023-24.
When you are the defending Stanley Cup champions, everyone is gunning for you. Everyone wants to beat you. As a result, you are playing everyone in the league at the top of their game.
Although Vegas is more talented than most teams, that can wear them down over the course of a full season and then the playoffs. Everyone wants to take down the champs.
Repeating as the Stanley Cup champion is very hard and this reason is one of the biggest issues. Nobody takes a shift off when they know the champs are coming in.
For Vegas, they have had a target on their back for a while since coming into the league but nothing will compare to what they are about to face.
Now, people know that the first year wasn’t a beginner’s luck type of fluke. This team is dangerous and the other 31 teams want to get on their level.