David Katzner
Joined: Jul 19, 2017
I am a producer and writer who has worked in just about every arena, from news to sports, reality to entertainment. My passion for sports started when I was 7 and my Dad took me to Yankee Stadium. I will never forget the feeling when I emerged from the tunnel and saw the impossibly beautiful field. Mickey Mantle was my first hero. He was followed by Bobby Murcer, Don Mattingly and Derek Jeter. I even went to Yankee Fantasy Camp. I am also a die-hard Giants fan who agonizes over Eli Manning but acknowledge that he brought us two championships and finished the title runs by beating the loathsome Patriots. Last but not least is my love affair with the Los Angeles Kings. I am a 30-year season ticket holder who wandered in the desert for 22 years as the Kings floundered through season after season of sub-par hockey. Then in 2012, all that misery was wiped away in an instant when Dustin Brown hoisted the Cup over his head and I had tears in my eyes. That's me, I love my sports, I love my teams and I'm thrilled to be able to share my insights, opinions, and musings here.